Walraven Walkways delivered directly to the roof!

Published on: 31 January 2024


Poznan I Poland

walraven hopital Poznan rooftop
Walkways are the basis for safe and unobstructed movement on roof surfaces. Walraven’s prefabricated walkways are the ideal solution when dealing with a large

number of densely spaced equipment, the presence of which is essential for the proper functioning of the entire building.

Walraven engineers, depending on the needs, prepare individual projects for stepovers. Solutions are tailored to specific situations and problems faced by customers. In addition, Walraven offers prefabricated, which are applicable in many cases – which largely saves time and speeds up the project.

walraven hopital Poznan rooftopRequirements

On roofs with a dense distribution of equipment, it is sometimes difficult to get the free space that is needed for various work, such as assembly. One Walraven customer’s problem was the lack of free space on the roof and the lack of additional time to assemble and assemble service walkways, which were essential in the project.


Walraven offered to deliver prefabricated service walkways directly to the roof of the building! Walraven specialists selected and independently assembled the platforms, which were delivered in their entirety to the construction site. In addition, they were delivered directly to the roof – saving the customer time and work.

The assembly of walkways by Walraven specialists guarantees quality and correctly performed service. Our stepovers meet safety standards and provide free movement on the roof and direct access to the equipment located there.

walraven hopital Poznan rooftop walraven hopital Poznan rooftop walraven hopital Poznan rooftop walraven hopital Poznan rooftop

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